Today, we announced our partnership with Rakuten Advertising to drive app installs, and boost sales as well as repeat purchases for brands. Through PostTap™, Button's latest product that offers its deep linking and app-tracking technology as a service to affiliate network traffic, brands are able to convert moments of high intent into lifetime value enhancements through app installs.

By leveraging Rakuten Advertising's expansive publisher network and Button's PostTap technology, leading retailers and mutual customers like Sam's Club are able to enhance the user experience by seamlessly routing users to apps they already have installed, to extend the brand experience for loyal shoppers, increase the usage of a retailer's app, and reap the benefits of higher conversion rates from in-app shopping sessions.

All the while, brands can manage partnerships and view their app affiliate data from Button on their Rakuten Advertising dashboards. In addition, publishers benefit from app payouts without having to update links, while consumers enjoy a shopping experience that moves seamlessly between Rakuten Advertising publisher sites and branded apps. 

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"PostTap has created a major opportunity to utilize the affiliate channel to drive installs," said Rick Ton, Senior Director, Marketing, Sam's Club. "By working with Button and Rakuten Advertising through PostTap, affiliate marketing has become a major engine that fuels Sam's Club's key mobile initiatives, more than we ever thought it could before."


"Together, Rakuten Advertising and Button are creating value for our clients by giving them a way to engage with their users in the mobile affiliate space," said Jeff Wender, Chief Revenue Officer at Rakuten Advertising. "By partnering with Button to create new ways for brands to engage consumers, we're also helping marketers to deliver on the experience and value that consumers seek."‚ÄØ  


"Acquiring new app users has historically been dominated by two channels—Facebook and Google. Today, we are shaking things up by offering marketers a new opportunity for driving app acquisition through their affiliate channel with PostTap," said Michael Jaconi, Co-Founder and CEO of Button. "With app users being three to five times more valuable for retailers, Button and Rakuten Advertising are enabling Sam's Club to gain more loyal users from their affiliate traffic, and this integration requires no integration work from any parties."


For more information on PostTap, visit