With smartphone use consistently on the rise, mcommerce sales are rising with it. This year alone, US retail mcommerce sales are expected to reach $558.29 billion, comprising 7.4% of total retail sales, highlighting the critical importance of optimizing mobile experiences for retailers and affiliates alike. 

Awin, a global affiliate marketing network, recognized the need for innovative solutions to drive growth for retailers who are increasingly prioritizing their mobile affiliate and creator strategy. Partnering with Button, a leading mobile commerce platform, Awin achieved remarkable success in 2023. This case study explores how their strategic collaboration unlocked unparalleled success in mobile commerce.

Optimizing Awin’s Mobile Affiliate and Creator Strategy

Leveraging Awin's extensive network and Button's cutting-edge technology, the partnership aimed to capitalize on the growing mobile commerce trends. By integrating Button's AI-powered mobile optimization solution, Awin empowered advertisers and publishers to drive installs and app conversions with ease, ultimately enhancing user experiences and boosting profitability across their affiliate and creator partnerships. In 2023 we saw:

  • 1.3 million app installs
  • 2.7x in app conversion rate (vs. mobile web)
  • 110% lift in revenue per tap in app (vs. mobile web)

Additionally, Awin found remarkable trends when comparing mobile and desktop trends:

Apps are an increasingly important part of an advertiser’s strategy and should be incorporated into what the affiliate channel can track. Through streamlining the implementation process and offering sufficient support, Awin has made considerable progress in app-based performance. When comparing app revenue in 2023FY vs 2022FY, Awin saw a +31% YoY uplift. Also, the overall incrementality performance for app tracking has proved the success and potential of app tracking - throughout 2023, we have seen an average of +28.7% in sales and +13.8% in revenue for advertisers who have implemented app tracking.

Awin and Button's collaboration led to a remarkable revelation: retailers that incorporate app into their affiliate and creator strategy are more likely to see revenue growth. With app CVR almost three times as high as mobile web CVR, and more users being referred from social platforms than ever, retailers were compelled to rethink their linking strategies to accommodate customers' clear preference for shopping in their apps vs. other experiences. 

Navigating the Mobile-First Approach

Despite the undeniable benefits of a mobile-first approach, marketers often face challenges in incorporating app tracking and installs into their mobile affiliate strategy. Awin and Button stepped in to remove the burden that marketers face when navigating the complexities of the mobile-first landscape. 

This partnership between Awin and Button has driven unprecedented success in mobile commerce. By harnessing the power of mobile links and elevating conversion rates, retailers have unlocked new revenue streams and better customer experiences. 

Contact Button to Amplify Your Mobile Affiliate and Creator Strategy

As the mobile-first paradigm continues to evolve, and as cookies are deprecated and thrust more investment into privacy safe channels like the creator and affiliate space, Button and Awin's partnership will provide a vector for growth when it's sorely needed. Button and Awin remain steadfast in their commitment to driving innovation and maximizing outcomes for retailers in the digital age. With Awin's impressive performance metrics as a testament to Button’s capabilities, now is the perfect time to amplify your mobile affiliate strategy. Contact Button today to get started!