Button recently launched PostTap - a new enterprise marketer product that is driving an increase in ROAS on Facebook and other social channels spanning 30% to 100% across multiple retailer campaigns.

Acquisition costs have skyrocketed in the last few years, putting margin pressure on marketing teams with limited opportunities to find scale outside of Facebook. With PostTap optimization, the margin equation can once again be flipped in favor of savvy marketers, creating a leg up on the competition.

How it works is simple.  

Button has spent 7 years building mobile links and commerce journeys for the biggest marketers in the world, and billions of dollars of commerce activity has been fed into our machine learning intelligence layer.  Leveraging that same system, we treat each user and each tap uniquely - and ensure our marketers yield the best possible results - whatever their objectives may be - higher ROAS, more app users, more CRM records, etc.  

PostTap was recently announced - but has been years in the making. 

The linking infrastructure we built was first deployed in apps where our marketers forged partnerships (the oft celebrated Foursquare and Uber partnership), they were used in marketers' affiliate networks (Sam's Club using Button's links with Rakuten Affiliate Network), and they were then adopted in other channels of marketing like display, retargeting, and meta search for travel.  

In 2021, we looked at the largest category of spend in mobile - Social - and said "let's fix shopping journeys here".  If we do that, we can increase the impact we make for our customers, and as a result, the size of our business.


After launching in mid 2021, three enterprise brands, all valued in the tens of billions in the public market, those customers verified that our PostTap product increases the ROAS of their social spend by at least 30% and in some cases north of 100%!  


Combining these increases in value with the fact that Button can also layer on personalized campaigns that are triggered "post tap" so marketers can experiment how to best achieve their outcomes - through personalizing messaging to users, offering varying levels of discounts, or running multivariate landing page experiments - the PostTap solution is producing more growth in our business than at any point in Button's history.  

CMOs and VPs of Marketing or Growth are flocking to this solution for the performance it produces but also because we've built everything at Button with a privacy-first mindset.  I'm proud to say that our team saw around the corner years ago - and built our solutions with a 1st party data orientation that has allowed us to operate in compliance with GDPR, ITP, and all of the changing regulations being introduced by both the platforms and our governments.

If you're interested in increasing your ROAS from Social by a minimum of 30%, please reach out to our team and ask about PostTap.  The commerce revolution continues, and now we're helping marketers transition underperforming ads to value creating commerce every day!  

Social is the next frontier for Button - and we'd love all our customers to join the ride!